Violation of Non Disclosure Agreement


Dated : November 25, 2013
Subject : Violation of Non Disclosure Agreement
1.Whereas the All India Post Graduate Medical Entrance Examination is scheduled to be conducted from 25th November – 6th December, 2013 at various test centres across the Country.
2.As per the terms and conditions of the examination, duly adhered to by the candidates and their explicit consent as under before appearing in test:

“The AIPGMEE is a proprietary examination and is conducted by National Board of Examinations. The contents of this test are confidential, proprietary and are owned by National Board of Examinations. NBE explicitly prohibits the candidate from publishing, reproducing or transmitting any or some contents of this test, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means verbal or written, electronic or mechanical or for any purpose.
By registering for and /or appearing in AIPGMEE the candidate explicitly agrees to the above Non Disclosure Agreement and general terms of use for AIPGMEE as contained in this Information Bulletin, AIPGMEE website.
Violation of any act or breach of the same shall be liable for penal action and cancellation of the candidature at the bare threshold.”
Whereas the MCQs used for DNB examinations are proprietary information of National Board of Examinations and any unauthorized duplication, reproduction, circulation, distribution, publication and sale of the same through any means whatsoever including but not limited to publication /hosting on a website without prior permission of NBE is a penal offence punishable under provisions of applicable laws.
Applicant candidates may kindly note that besides the foregoing sharing the examination contents electronically is also prohibited under the various provisions of IT Act and the Copy Right Act and various other provisions of IPR, besides criminal offences are made out. 
5.NBE shall be monitoring the violation of NDA as well as maintain a strict vigil on the conduct of examination, any act that breaches the sanctity of examination or is unethical shall be dealt with as per applicable laws and candidates found indulged in the same shall be liable for penal action that includes cancellation of candidature at the bare threshold.
6.All applicant candidates are required to maintain sanctity of the examination and not to be allured by any unethical activity or means.
7.Any compliant in this regard may kindly be sent by e-mail to 

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