National Program for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, CVD and Stroke (NPCDCS)

States have already initiated some of the activities for prevention and control of non communicable diseases (NCDs) especially cancer, diabetes, CVDs and stroke. The Central Govt. proposes to supplement their efforts by providing technical and financial support through National Program for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, CVD and Stroke (NPCDCS). The NPCDCS program has two components viz. (i) Cancer & (ii) Diabetes, CVDs & Stroke. These two components have been integrated at different levels as far as possible for optimal utilization of the resources. The activities at State, Districts, CHC and Sub Centre level have been planned under the programme and will be closely monitored through NCD cell at different levels. 

The NPCDCS aims at integration of NCD interventions in the NRHM framework for optimization of scarce resources and provision of seamless services to the end customer / patients as also for ensuring long term sustainability of interventions. Thus, the institutionalization of NPCDCS at district level within the District Health Society, sharing administrative and financial structure of NRHM becomes a crucial programme strategy for NPCDCS. The NCD cell at various levels will ensure implementation and supervision of the programme activities related to health promotion, early diagnosis, treatment and referral, and further facilitates partnership with laboratories for early diagnosis in the private sector. Simultaneously, it will attempt to create a wider knowledge base in the community for effective prevention, detection, referrals and treatment strategies through convergence with the ongoing interventions of National Rural Health Mission (NRHM), National Tobacco Control Programme (NTCP), and National Programme for Health Care of Elderly (NPHCE) etc.and build a strong monitoring and evaluation system through the public health infrastructure.

Objectives of NPCDCS 
1) Prevent and control common NCDs through behaviour and life style changes,
2) Provide early diagnosis and management of common NCDs,
3) Build capacity at various levels of health care for prevention, diagnosis and treatment
of common NCDs,
4) Train human resource within the public health setup viz doctors, paramedics and
nursing staff to cope with the increasing burden of NCDs, and
5) Establish and develop capacity for palliative & rehabilitative care.

The Strategies to achieve above objectives are as follows: 
1) Prevention through behaviour change
2) Early Diagnosis
3) Treatment
4) Capacity building of human resource
5) Surveillance, Monitoring & Evaluation

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