SC Hearing Update : Feb 12

Mr. Harish Salve continued his arguments till around 1pm. The court adjourned for lunch at 1pm and resumed session at 2pm. After 2pm, the court had to discuss some miscellaneous matter. The case was postponed to 13th February (tomorrow) for the next hearing. The court is planning to hear the arguments of other lawyers representing the religious minority colleges tomorrow. 

Mr Harish Salve will be speaking for one more day. Meanwhile Mohfw Notification about proposed All India Counselling 2013 was informed to Judge. But Supreme Court judge refused to hear any prayers regarding interim orders until the full argument is over. Next case that will be taken for hearing is deemed universities and other private medical colleges. Only after this hearing Tamil Nadu and AP state govt case will be taken up for hearing. Case hearing has been postponed to tomorrow Feb 13,2013. 

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